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  • Claire Yunjei TSAI

Budapest, I left my heart in the Danube River.

Updated: Feb 18, 2019

Due to everyone's high expectation of my travel experiences and hoping that I can write articles about it - here comes my first sharing.

Let's start with where everything begins - Budapest.

Besides introducing all the tourist spots, I wish to share some secret tips that the tourist won't know.

1.Budai Vár (Buda Castle)

Tips: After waking up in the morning, take a stroll in the picturesque castle. I strongly recommend you not to hurry, forget about the time after visiting the castle

go down the hill and take a bus past the Chain Bridge then you can reach the downtown Deak Ter for a nice lunch.

One reason why I love this city so much is that you don't have to spent much money to enjoy it. All the sites and spots are mostly open and free. All you need is a happy heart and let this city amaze you.

The castle is also one of my favorite dating spots with my Hungarian boyfriend.

His grandparents lived down hill of the castle, we used to stop half way up the hill and call nagymama(grandma) and she will say hi from the back of the kitchen window. Passing all the Asian tourists, with my yellow skin and dark hair didn't make me belongs to them. I feel home here.

2.Széchenyi Lánchíd (Chain Bridge)

Chain Bridge, connects the two side of the city Buda and Pest. The bridge was once destroyed during WWII by the Soviet. What you have seen now is a reconstruction.

Tip: Get a a bottle of Hungarian Tokaj at night, sit next to the riverbank with friends, just chat and drink, can you ask for more?   There is a bus stop down hill of the castle, you can take the bus to pass through the chain bridge and reach the opposite side of the city, down town - Deak Square. When you get off the bus, walk straight and you will see the St. Stephen's Basilica.   The most common way of transportation I used when I traveled in Europe is walking.

It is very common for me to walk ten kilometers a day.Some people said that to visit a city for only short days, you can't see the real side of it. True, thats why I suggest you to walk. When you visit the city on foot, you can't miss any sight or any view. Observe the residents, how they dress, how the language sounds , feel the city, sink your self in the culture river.Step by step, with your own pace and speed.

It is never a matter of time, we have eyes, but we just don’t see. .

3. Szent István-Bazilika

Tip: Many people don’t know that there is a deck on the top of the church.

To go to the top of the church is less than NT80. It is definitely worth the money.   Every time I visit a new city, I like to find the highest point, where I can see the city completely.When you raise your height then you will find a totally different view than below.Traveling, seems like the movement of physical space, while it is actually the broadening of one's mind and vision.

Leave your comfort zone, throw yourself to a totally strange country.

Find a new view, find a new you.

4.Hősök tere (Hero Square)

On the right side of the square is Hall of Art (Műcsarnok) , the left side is the Museum of Fine Arts ( Szépművészeti Múzeum ).

Tip: Come to the Heroes Square, then slowly walk to the back of the Szechenyi Bath. Enjoy the thermal bath and relax.

Heroes Square is similar to Taipei with Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall

Every time I go back to Budapest during the summer vacation, I visit my Hungarian host family and friends.I will also leave some time for myself to be with the city. Every day of the summer, the weather is bright and cloudless.

5.Széchenyi Gyógyfürdő (Szechenyi Thermal Bath)

Tip: Bring your sexiest swimsuits, sandwiches, snacks and all the food you love.

Most importantly - do not forgot about wine. Go on a picnic, spend a whole day in the Spa. Vacation means being in the hot spring, while enjoying the wine.

The hot springs in Hungary are very famous. The government even made hot springs as National health care for patients with joints and chronic diseases, hot springs are used as prescriptions. Some medical research has shown that it has a therapeutic effect. I used to have serious back pain, after being in the hot spring it really reduce my pain and I felt soothed.

5.Gellért Hegy (Gellert Mountain)

Tip: In different seasons, the sun goes down at different times, start climbing when the sky is still bright. Take your time to climb up while enjoying the transformation of the view as you ascend.

There are many beautiful cities in Europe, and Budapest is definitely not the most famous one. But she has her own unique charisma.

Prague, is a chivalrous knight, riding his horse with condescension. He took you back to the middle age as you walk through the Charles Bridge, almost hearing the clops of the hooves. Still, people yearn for luck, and crowd to have a touch of the statue's feet.

The taste of the Czech beer is still the same as a hundred years ago . Sometimes people change, but the tradition remains. And you got a sip of the past.

Paris, is a lustful woman, she knows how to play her magic, every glimpse, every move, every smirk makes people drunk.

London, Amsterdam, and Budapest? Have you ever seen a girl, she is beautiful, but she does not know that her beauty always feels that she is also an ordinary individual in this world. It is because she is not proud and proud, but also looks simple and beautiful. The day is like a simple, sweet girl and when the night falls slowly, the sky is rendered by blue-violet paint, and you will gradually and gradually be confused by her. The last private attraction to be introduced is

The beauty of the entire city is reflected in the eye. In the evening, I put on a black dress decorated with the light of the chain bridge. The skirt spreads along the Danube. I look back at the moment and hold my breath. I am shocked. It turns out that she has another look. A deep hidden for a long time, she smiled, under the breeze. You can't see her beauty at a glance among the crowds, only to have someone to discover. Her silhouette will remain in your heart forever.

Have you ever seen a kind of girl, she was born so beautiful but she did not know her beauty. For me, it is the opposite way round. Budapest did not give herself to me.

Instead, I left part of me to this pearl on the Danube.

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