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  • Claire Yunjei TSAI

The Achemist

The Alchemist

The cover was outmoded and rotten, I had read it once when I was little.

It was just a magical story for me to be entertained, couldn't have I realized the meaning and wisdom behind the words. The gift the author was trying to give to the world. Now I understand why this little book that I randomly grab before heading to the airport was chosen. I am Santiago. Santiago is me.

My spirit and my will is well prepared now, the time has come. And the journey has began long before I hop on that flight to Thailand. It started with a small flame in my heart, and a soft whisper besides my ears calling my name, until the fire was so big that I have to push myself out to the world and take all the risk that is required. To burn this life.

And when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. People told me that they envy my life;to be able to travel, meet new people, experience different cultures. The thing is we all have a choice - some choices are harder than the others for sure, but we all do.

The greatest lie of life is that in a certain point, we lose control of what is happening to us and our lives become controlled by fate. I am not saying it is easy, because it is not. Instead it is so hard and difficult that you have to encounter so many obstacles and question yourself a million times for the decision you have made.

When I tell people I come to Thailand for volunteer work, most people react with a surprised face that I have such a good heart and I am willing to devote my time and money to those in need. To be honest, I am nothing great. All I want is to do is be myself. I was just trying to follow the omens.

The reason I left Taiwan is because I knew I couldn't have found the real aspect of south bound policy while sitting in the classroom staring at the power point content that my professor copied from the government official website. As I finish my last sip of beer from the bottle, talking to a Singaporian who explains to me how strict the law of renting in Singapore is, and how Singapore has build up a system of security.

Everyday I wake up, get ready and walk out of my hostel. I feel so grateful that I am here in Bankok, me and myself. I decided to open my heart and turn on my five senses to feel this world, and what it is trying to teach me. This is education, this can be education.

The problem of people is that we do not even realize that we are actually walking a new road every day. They don't see that the stores are new and the seasons change. All they think of is work and study. To discover beauty in life we don't have to go abroad and be in a new country. You see the beauty through the heart of open mind.








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